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Ever get that feeling when you arrive home from vacation and are totally overwhelmed by the amount of photos you have to sort through, edit and share? That's me right now.
I am always so honored whenever a close friend asks me to photograph them. I've known Tim and Caroline forever, so I was over the moon when they asked me to take pictures of the new addition to their family: 2-month-old Callan James.
Just a quick post to share some film I shot in July. First set is from a trip to Promised Land with friends, second set is from a Sunday afternoon tour of Manchester: a quant, historic neighborhood in Pittsburgh's North Side.
This post took me a while to finalize. It's not for a lack of trying - I sat down many times in the last few months to finish sorting through photos and write this post - but it was so hard to choose the words and photos that sum up our trip.
To keep it short and sweet: Iceland is stunningly beautiful. Book a flight.